Looking Back: Seattle

Happy Thursday! Here's some more travel snaps from my trip 2 years ago...
After a 34ish hour train journey from LA (not recommended!), I got to spend about the same amount of time in Seattle, and this is what I saw!

Wow... so this time tomorrow it will be my first pay since returning to Australia... yes, not something I should flaunt, but I'm excited, so I had to share! This really is quite dangerous... but exciting at the same time. Actually, to be completely honest, it will all be going towards the credit card, so the wishlist still is just that!

Local Love: Mad Weevil

Happy Tuesday! This week I'm sharing some Local Love for Michelle Baker, the insanely and almost freakishly talented insect illustrator doing Brisbane super proud with her stationary line, Mad Weevil. Seriously, who knew bugs could look so awesome?!

After discovering her etsy store, and most recently, her blog, I simply HAD to share Mad Weevil with the world! I also HAD to find out a bit more about her and her amazing work, and thankfully, Michelle was very obliging!

What inspires you to create?
It's my challenge; it's new, completely original; and it's come from me.

How did Mad Weevil come about?
I do drawings and I love stationery!
I used to work in an insect lab. Working with microscopes, you see so many creatures with amazing patterns and textures; these started coming out in my drawings. Everyone was passionate about whichever creature they studied, and we wished that we could find really cool things - t-shirts, stationery etc - with our favourite insects on them. Two years later I came across Etsy and imagined my own stationery shop! It took a few more years before I opened Mad Weevil online. It's taken a while to produce, being a hobby, and to have confidence in presenting my work...Actually I still get really embarrassed about people seeing my drawings!

Apart from Mad Weevil - what do you like to do with your time?
My other pursuits outside of work are baking, reading, embroidery, keeping house, and producing non-Mad Weevil art. I have 3 children's books sketched up, waiting to be drawn. I'm in a 'crafternoon tea' group of lovely and very talented people, which is great. I sometimes come across a painting on Etsy that I absolutely adore - I love that Etsy works both ways, not just to sell my art, but for me to buy original paintings from people like me, in far away countries. I also seem to be unofficially collecting embroidery and paintings from secondhand shops, because I love imagining the history behind them. 

Where do you think you would like to be in a few years?
I would like to have achieved a proper storybook that my nephews and nieces can read. I'd like to have produced more art than I have in the last few years, and to a much higher standard; I'd really like to do a wonderful painting of a butterfly. 

Where is your favourite spot in Brisbane?
I'm a Southsider. For utter comfort in familiarity, the West End scramble intersection; it's noisy, smelly and very alive. In contrast, I quite like being the only person poking through the huge, creaky furniture/antique warehouses in Woolloongabba and Coorparoo. And a very quick way to escape everything is to drive up Mt Gravatt when the summit is in cloud and rain. 

What are you most looking forward to in 2012?
Learning new skills at work and home.

Oh! Isn't it lovely to hear how a simple idea combined with love, skill, and a bit of time, can become something so unique and interesting?! For someone with poor creative motivation, the story of Mad Weevil is such inspiration to me! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!

Sunday Sounds: Ball Park Music

I'm not feeling very wordy tonight, so I'll keep it brief...
This weeks musical love comes in the form of Brisbane band Ball Park Music. This love is definitely a direct result of their completely killer set last night at the Hi-Fi. I had never been to the Hi-Fi as it opened just before I left, and I was impressed - it's a pretty great venue! It was such a change from the last time I saw Ball Park Music, over 2 years ago, for free, at Rics. Who would have known they'd be as big as they are now?! The crowd went nuts for every song and the energy was fantastic - it was a great way to spend a night out!
One of my favourites has to be 'Sea Strangers' (their first major release). It conjures some vague memories of Brisbane before I left for the big OE, and 'iFly' is also wonderfully infectious (just watch out for the swearing, if you're sensitive to that kind of thing...).
I'll definitely be buying up their current album (yes, I'm behind the 8 ball), and judging by the preview of their new tracks last night, I'll be snapping up the second album too!

Photo Friday: Kaleidoscope!

If anyone follows me on instagram, you may or may not have seen this barrage of kaleidoscope photos last week. I went a bit crazy. So what better way to share again? Spread the love once more! HAPPY FRIDAY!

The New South

Hey look! It's my weekly dose of materialism! And this week, I feel like there is a real context in my life for a wishlist, given my current location (Sydney's CBD). There are seriously shops everywhere here! I'm actually on top of Myer right now. No joke. So, given that I have really only allowed myself a couple of splurges (it was only a new razor, some girly nailpolish and a new book...), I'm very proud of myself at the moment, as it seems that despite the temptations, I have the power to resist the big spends - thanks to my Wednesday Wishlist (and my lack of wealth)!

1. Walton Wooden Wedges, Topshop 2. ASOS Lace Skater Dress 3. Navajo Printed Drop Earrings 4. The Patent Gladiator Sandal, Madewell 5. Bay Ave Engraved Geo Bracelet, Free People

PS: I have slightly re-styled the wishlist this week - those horrible rectangles were just a tad too much!
PPS: DAISY SEE is now on Facebook! I'd love it if you 'liked' it. I do!

Looking Back: Hawaii

Aloha! Welcome to the next installment of my reflective travel posts, and as you can see, this one is about my brief stop over in Hawaii.
Following my tour of Japan, en route to the US, I spent about 5 days in Waikiki. In reality it was more like 3 days, as I really didn't see much. In hindsight, it was probably due to some exhaustion, a bit of jet lag, and my love of the odd sleep in... Either way, it was still pretty great to briefly experience the island of Oahu. I will definitely need to go back to say that I have really travelled to Hawaii, becuase I know that I barely scratched the surface!
Anyway, here's a few of my amateur snaps. These ones aren't as good as those from Japan, because really, Waikiki is just a beach city, and to be completely honest, I didn't quite fall in love with the place... (this was probably due to the jet-lagged, zombie like state I was in while I was there!)

Sunday Sounds: Radical Face

Greetings from Sydney! It's just a quick one tonight, I'm actually really busy rolling from side to side in my KING SIZE BED, so I'll make it short and sweet.
This musical discovery was actually thanks to a Nikon TV Ad I believe, the one that quite quickly induces the odd emotional goosebump, and has Robbie Williams in it. The band is Radical Face, and the man behind the magic is Ben Cooper. According to my best friend (Wikipedia), "The name Radical Face was chosen after seeing it on a flyer. He later found out it was a plastic surgery flyer saying 'Radical Face-Lift' with the word 'lift' ripped off" - seriously, what a fun fact!

Interesting anecdotes aside, the music of Radical Face is completely lovely. The album, 'Ghost' is pretty profound, in a Sunday-evening-drinks-in-winter kind of way... And I just found this awesome video of one of my favourite songs being played in what looks like the woods - seriously imagine how amazing that set would have been! I've also included the song that started it all, 'Welcome Home, Son', for good measure.

Photo Friday

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend! I'm actually preparing for a little jaunt to Sydney to start training in my new job, however I'm definitely more excited about being put up in a five star hotel! Life as a fancy person, I suppose I could do it...
This Friday's photo is a just a wee nod of the head to the blog's new name, it was taken in San Francisco back when I did nothing but travel. Oh 2010, you really were great...

Local Love: Each to Own

This week's bit of local love comes in the form of the wonderful Kirsten Devitt, the creative force behind accessories label, Each to Own. The simple design aesthetic behind her brooches and earrings is complemented so wonderfully by the quirky patterns and bright colours. I'm definitely in love.

Seriously, just imagine one of those cute brooches on a tailored blazer - it's all completely stylish, and just so damn lovely.
Now it's the part where she spills all her creative secrets - let's go.

What inspires you to create?
It's so hard to pinpoint really but sometimes a little voice in your head just says, "Hey you! You could do that, and then this, and it would look like this, and it just might work so, go on - try it"(quite annoying really)
I have little moments in the week where I just have to run and quickly jot things down or do a quick design (I have a 2.5 year old & a shoe shop) and then sort the rest out later. It's like the creative thought is the boss of you and you don't have a choice but to obey :)

How did Each to Own come about?
I started out just making a few assembled pieces for friends and myself and then a friend asked if I could do a big order of 100 necklaces for a Mother's Day do at their school. It didn't occur to me that I could sell my things or that anyone would want them. It was a great feeling. Over time my style has evolved to doing my own designs and I'm always interested to see where it will lead me next.

Apart from Each to Own - what do you like to do with your time?
I love to just hang out with my hubbie and little boy in my spare time. It's a busy life we all lead so even if it is just doing the grocery shopping it's a lovely way to spend time if they are with me. If I get a little bit of time to myself I will sit with a cuppa... and then probably abandon it and go and glue stuff on other stuff because Each To Own IS my love in my spare time - cold cups of tea all over the place here! 

Where do you think you would like to be in a few years?
Right where I am, I hope. I have a few little dreams for Each to Own and another few little ideas I would like to follow. But I'm in no rush and am really happy doing what I am doing right now.

Where is your favourite spot in Brisbane?
At the moment I am in love with Apples On Ainsworth; a great vintage/foodie/wonderful vibe hang out in Salisbury. I drive half way across town to get there but it's worth it. And I'm forever in love with GOMA and the Powerhouse.

What are you most looking forward to in 2012?
Seeing where the year goes, seeing my lovely customers at the markets, seeing what ideas demand my attention, seeing my family happy... that's fine with me :)

Wow, her happiness is infectious. I hope when I'm at the same point in my life I will be as happy and content as Kirsten - it's such an inspiration! After that, I think I'm feeling this happy!

A Bit Primary

Happy Wednesday everyone! It appears I'm feeling a bit primary at the moment, for which I have no explanation. Go figure. I hope you're all having a wonderful week!
On a personal note, I'm looking forward to seeing Bon Iver tomorrow night. They've sold out all over the country, so I'm feeling super happy that I will be one of the lucky ones with a ticket! If you haven't caught wind of Justin Vernon's band, check this film clip out, it's beyond inspiring.

1. Organic Cotton Bloom Cushion 2. Topshop China Floral Dress 3. Good Intentions Wedge 4. Yellow Cotton Round Pillow 5. Druzy and Sterling Silver Ring

Having a slight rethink...

Good evening! This is just a quick note to apologise for the inconsistency quite evident at the moment on this here blog. I'm actually having a bit of a name rethink at the moment. Something about 'a festive occasion' just hasn't been sitting right. 
When I first started the blog, I was all excited about the events industry, and thought that maybe this would be solely where I would aim my writing at. But over the past few months it seems the blog has evolved significantly and the name just doesn't seem as relevant any more. At the moment I'm looking at a change to: 'DAISY SEE', which references a kind-of-nickname I have, and what I really love about the world (online and offline), which does ultimately lead me to share the wonderful things I come across. I'm starting to warm to it, so please let me know if you agree! I need some reassurance!

Looking Back: Japan

Just over two years ago, I embarked on the most amazing trip of my lifetime (so far). Starting in Japan, I slowly made my way across to the UK, where I lived for the most part of 2010 & 2011. During this time, I learnt a bit more about myself, and in particular, my ability to take a ridiculously excessive amount of photos. At the moment, I find myself in a bit of a reflective mood, so I thought it'd be nice to pick out a couple from the thousands I took, to share with those of you that aren't my relatives.
*It is important to note, that I am simply an amateur with too many (non slr) cameras and some nice (free) photoshop curves (thanks to these guys!)

PS: This might become a habit of mine, so keep your eyes peeled in the future for a bit of the USA, Jamaica, UK & Europe!

Sunday Sounds: Tuba Skinny

Formed on the streets of New Orleans, and first exposed to my eyes and ears on New Years Eve at Woodford Folk Festival, Tuba Skinny are a real good time. If you're a fan of brass, jazz or the 1920's/1930's, I have a feeling you'll enjoy these guys!
I'm actually quite disappointed that when I was in New Orleans 2 years ago I didn't stumble across these guys busking in the French Quarter (their natural habitat I believe), but I guess it's better late than never! I'm actually struggling to find a decent video to link, but you should get the picture. I'm a bit lost for words this eve, so hopefully the music will do the talking for me. PS: watch for the guy on the washboard, he's hilarious!

Local Love: Rare Indeed

Happy Thursday! It's a gorgeous day today, blue skies all around for Brisbane (it doesn't even bother me that my airwaves are slightly blocked!).
The happiness may also have something to do with the lovely Tiffany, from Rare Indeed, who has been kind enough to answer a few of my probing questions. Her unique necklaces, studs, bracelets and brooches are completely fun and they just ooze quirky charm. I can't help but smile in the knowledge that she's a local!

I want it all! Although, I have to say I really love the 'marvellous' brooch, nothing beats a banner and some nice type! But enough about me, I'm sure you all want to know what really makes Tiff tick...

What inspires you to create?
I’m inspired to create by my need to always have new and pretty things, and by my need to make my ideas real. Most of my jewellery designs came about from me thinking of something that I’d love to wear myself, or from imagery that I find beautiful. I also love the idea of wearing something a bit silly or kitsch, or something that subtly references something you love like a great band or a movie.

How did Rare Indeed come about?

I stumbled across the plastic I use to make my jewellery online and thought I’d buy some and give it a go! I remember getting these little shrink plastic cards in chip packets when I was younger and watching them curl up in the oven, and figured it could be a bit of fun using my own designs instead and making some cute jewellery for myself.
Soon enough I was getting positive comments from friends and strangers and people asking if I was selling them anywhere. From there I opened my etsy shop to which I’ve been adding more and more new items, and now I have my things stocked in the excellent Handmade Highstreet in Annerley. Things have been going well!

Apart from Rare Indeed - what do you like to do with your time?

Since moving to Brisbane from the Gold Coast last year I’ve had an excellent time exploring the various nearby op shops. There’s something wonderful about hunting around and finding a lovely and unique piece of clothing, especially when it’s a total bargain!
Another thing I love to do to pass the time on a rainy Sunday is to sew. I mostly make clothes for myself, as well as alter clothes that I’ve found in my op shopping expeditions. Many an hour I have spent online drooling over awesome quirky fabrics and dreaming up cute outfits to create!

Where do you think you would like to be in a few years?

While I’m not sure what the future will hold for me yet, I like to imagine a scenario where I’m making my jewellery full time, coming up with new designs and new ideas constantly, while having the luxury to sleep in if I choose and duck out to for a spot of op shopping if the mood strikes! And there will ideally be a cat somewhere in this equation.

Where is your favourite spot in Brisbane?

Aside from the aforementioned op shops, there’s something I love about walking or riding buses through the hilly suburban streets just out of the city and checking out the lovely old queenslanders, some with wonderfully kept gardens and fresh white picket fences, some that look like they could come crumbling down in a moment.

What are you most looking forward to in 2012?

There are several things that I’m looking forward to in 2012 that should make it a great year. I’m hoping to venture out to selling at markets, most likely starting at the suitcase rummage held on the first Sunday of every month at Reddacliff place. Non-Rare Indeed related, I’m looking forward to watching my gorgeous twin nieces grow through their first year, and heading over to New York for a holiday in June!

I'm definitely in awe of Tiffany, she has worked hard and committed to her creativity, which really takes confidence and a passion that I am totally envious of (not to mention the New York trip and twin nieces!). I highly recommend you have a browse through the Rare Indeed etsy store, if you have a sense of humour and a taste for fun jewellery, I'm sure you'll 'like' what you see! Or if you are a local, get on over to Handmade Highstreet in Annerley or the next Suitcase Rummage!
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